Consequential Aggravated Penalties refer to the kinds of crime forms in which the basic intentional criminal acts result in unexpectedly significant consequences of crime. 结果加重犯,是指基于故意实施基本犯罪行为,导致意想不到的重大结果的犯罪形态。
Aggregated consequential offense is also called offense aggregated by consequence or special crime, which originates from the Civil Law. 结果加重犯又被称为加重结果犯,或特殊的结果犯,是大陆法系立法的产物。
The stiffer penalty to the consequential crime is a common criminal form in the criminal law. 结果加重犯是刑法分则中较多见的一种犯罪形态。
The aggravated consequential offence should have three constituting elements: committing the basic crime, occurring aggravated consequence negligently and existing the causation between the basic crime and aggravated consequence. 结果加重犯的构成需要具备实施了基本罪的行为、过失发生了加重结果及基本罪的行为与加重结果之间具有因果关系三个条件。
From the study fruits of aggregated consequential offense both at home and outside, it generally consider that basic elements of aggregated consequential offense is composed by basic crime and aggregated consequence. 从国内外对结果加重犯的研究情况来看,通说认为结果加重犯的根本结构是由基本犯罪与加重结果二部分组成。
Different viewpoints concerning the relation between perilous crime and consequential crime exist in the theoretical circle of criminal law in China. 对危险犯与结果犯的关系,我国刑法理论界存有不同的认识。
As a consequential offense, this crime could be an attempted crime. 作为结果犯,本罪存在犯罪未遂。
There are three patterns of forgery crime: behavioral offence, circumstantial offence and consequential offence, resulting in different characteristics in distinguishing completed and attempted forms of the crime. 伪造罪有行为犯、情节犯和结果犯三种类型,因而其既遂与未遂的区分标准就因类型的不同表现出各自不同的特点。
The fifth chapter is the other issues of joint negligence crime, which is further divided into three parts: the first part discusses the issues of joint negligence crime in aggregated consequential crime. 第五章是共同过失犯罪的其它问题。分为三节,第一节论述(典型的)结果加重犯的共同犯罪问题;
As to the objective aspect of the crime, it encompasses not only behavioral offense and consequential offense, but also a mew type of crime, i.e. potential damage offense. 其客观方面不仅包括举动犯、结果犯,而且还应当包括危险犯这一新的犯罪形态。
While the others think that as a kind of consequential offense, the result-aggravated crime is likely to be existed. 另一种观点则认为,结果加重犯作为一种结果犯,是可能存在未遂的。
The state of danger is the result of consequential crime, so dangerous crime is not consequential crime. 危险状态不是结果犯的结果,危险犯不是结果犯。
The classification of conduct crime and consequential crime 、 actual damage crime and dangerous crime in German and Japan criminal law is decided by their crime constitution. 德、日刑法中行为犯与结果犯、侵害犯与危险犯的分类由其犯罪构成体系决定。
Crime of insurance fraud belongs to consequential crime and there should exists attempted status, so on the problem in determining the "initiate" time, the author think that the time of claim for compensation should be regarded as the "initiate" point-in-time. 保险诈骗罪属于结果犯,应当存在未遂状态,在确定着手时间问题上,认为应当以行为人提出索赔作为着手的时间点。
In the aspect of penalty setting, set the situation of 'abandoning induces severe injury or death' to aggregated consequential offense of the Crime of Abandonment. 在刑罚设置上,将遗弃致人重伤、死亡的情形设定为遗弃罪的结果加重犯。
The thesis centers on the basic crime of the aggregated consequential offense which can either be intentional crime or involuntary crime when discussing the basic characteristics of aggregated consequential offense. The second section focuses on the discussions of the nature of the aggregated consequential offense. 本文在论述结果加重犯的基本特征时着重论述了结果加重犯的基本犯不仅可以为故意犯,也可以为过失犯。
The mainly issues are as follows: Most environmental crime punishment on condition that serious loss of life, health and public or private property, mainly provision for behavior and consequential crime, but without potential damage offence. 主要表现为:环境犯罪的处罚大多以生命、健康或公私财产遭受严重损失为前提,主要以实害犯为处罚对象,亦有少量行为犯的规定,没有危险犯的相关规定。
Although some research has been done on the consequential offense of this crime, there is no detailed research on the validity, time limit and time of injury identification. 对故意伤害罪是一种结果犯方面虽有所研究,但有关伤情鉴定效力、期限、时间等问题还没有详细的研究。
Consequential offense is a crime situations exist independently of the value, which has a distinctive crime constitution. Its prominent feature is "A behavior, double sin, the composite outcome". 结果加重犯是一种有独立存在价值的犯罪情形,具有其独特的犯罪构成,一个行为,双重罪过,复合结果是突出特征。
The aggravated consequential offence is a type of crime, full of disputes and arguments. 结果加重犯,是刑法学界争议不休、众说纷纭的一种犯罪类型。